Funding Request Development

For the 2021-2023 grant implementation period, the Global Fund allocated US$315,244,697 for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and building resilient and sustainable systems for health (RSSH) to Zambia. On 30th June 2020, the CCM-Zambia timely submitted the HIV/TB and malaria funding requests to the Global Fund.

In order to develop the HIV/TB and malaria funding requests, the CCM Zambia formed different writing teams, including MoH, CHAZ, Women, Multilaterals, International NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, Persons living with the diseases, and Youths.

The writing teams developed the content for the various modules taking into consideration stakeholder opinions raised during a series of country dialogue meetings that took place in various provinces. The writing teams’ contributions were coordinated by the lead consultant supported by a team of local and international consultants.

Each funding request draft was reviewed by a team of cooperating partners that shared their observations and recommendations with the CCM-Z SPI Committee. Upon their review, the SPI Committee prepared an overview of main findings for the CCM membership who discuss and agree on recommendations. The final funding request drafts was presented to national stakeholders for their validation on the 29th June and was endorsed by the entire CCM on the 30th June.

The CCM-Z submitted the HIV/TB and malaria funding requests to the Global Fund as scheduled on the 30th June 2020. The complete sets of documents submitted is available under Download.

In August 2020, the funding requests were reviewed by the Technical Review Panel (TRP), an impartial team of experts appointed by the Global Fund with the responsibility of providing rigorous, independent technical assessment of funding requests. The TRP found both funding requests to be technically sound and strategically focused and recommended to proceed to grant making. The TRP recommendations including actions to be addressed and completed by the Principal Recipients within specified timelines are available under Download.