The COVID-19 Components

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Global Fund has approved US$ 112,078,332  to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the HIV/TB and malaria programs and to initiate urgent improvements in health and community systems in Zambia as part of the COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM).

All COVID-19 funds are part of the HIV/TB and malaria grants. However, during a reprogramming activity in 2021, all non-spent COVID-19 funds were transferred into separate budgets to facilitate oversight over these significant amounts while the COVID-19 funds spent in the first semester 2021 remained in the HIV/TB and malaria budgets.

The below table contains those COVID-19 funds that have been incorporated into the budgets. The amount of US$ 15,412,951 that was approved in March 2022 is not yet covered.

As 90% of the COVID-19 budgets go into procurement, there are no indicators for COVID-19 interventions in the performance frameworks.