
The CCM-Z has four standing committees:

  1. Executive Committee (ExCo)
  2. Oversight Committee (OC)
  3. Strategic Planning and Investment (SPI) Committee
  4. Ethics Committee (EC)

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for coordinating and guiding the activity of the Secretariat, for supporting and coordinating the CCM-Z, CCM Committees, and Technical Task Teams, and attending to routine or urgent communications and decisions for which calling CCM-Z meetings is not warranted or not feasible. Areas of responsibility of the Executive Committee will be decided or assigned by the CCM-Z, but in general, the decision-making authority that may be delegated by the CCM-Z to the Executive Committee will be limited to routine administrative matters.

The Executive Committee is comprised of the CCM-Z Chair, the Vice-Chair, the National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council Director General, the Coordinators of the technical Committees and the CCM-Z Administrator.

Oversight Committee

The Oversight Committee assists the CCM-Z in carrying out its oversight duties related to grant implementation; it monitors whether implementing partners are meeting key targets, goals, and objectives. The Oversight Committee is guided by an oversight plan and shall identify gaps and bottlenecks in grant implementation, make recommendations to the full CCM on how to address these bottlenecks, and assist the PRs with the implementation of these recommendations.

The Oversight Committee is comprised of seven members of whom four are substantive CCM-Z members. The remaining members can include alternate CCM-Z members and other technical experts co-opted from outside the CCM-Z.

SPI Committee

The SPI Committee assists the CCM-Z in investing more strategically in areas with high potential impact and strong value for money. Specifically, SPI Committee aims to maximize the impact of TGF investments in coordination with investments made by the government, and other development partners on strengthening the country’s health systems in general and the three disease programs specifically. The SPI Committee is also responsible for the coordination of the funding request development.

The SPI Committee is comprised of seven members of which three are CCM substantive members representing the three sectors on the CCM-Z (government, NGO/CSO/private sector, multi/bi-lateral agencies). Other technical experts may be co-opted from outside the CCM.

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee promotes ethical conduct and decision-making in all CCM activities. It leads the implementation and ongoing enforcement of the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Management Policy for CCM members and coopted members.

The Ethics Committee is comprised of four substantive and alternate CCM members.


Additionally, the CCM-Z may establish time-limited technical task teams for specific technical tasks, such as PR assessment, funding request development, or other strategic needs. Membership on technical task teams is open to all CCM-Z members with the technical expertise and/or interest. Depending on the skill set needed, external experts may be co-opted.