The National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council (NAC) established through an Act of Parliament No. 10 of 2002 is charged with the responsibility of developing and coordinating policies, plans and strategies for the prevention and combating of HIV, AIDS, TB and STIs in order to reduce the impact of the epidemic.
The four (4) positions of Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator – Condom Programming, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator, Administration Officer and Public and Private Sector Coordinator at NAC have fallen vacant, and consequently, suitably qualified and experienced Zambians are invited to apply for the positions which are based in Lusaka.
Job Purpose
Reporting to the Director, Policy and Planning and work closely with the Directorate of Programmes. The applicant will coordinate HIV and AIDS Monitoring and evaluation activities in Zambia and offer technical support to stakeholders in the HIV Response with special focus on HIV Prevention Pillars.
Principal Accountabilities
- Conduct analysis of the national condom program for, supply chain and programme performance against set distribution targets.
- Ensure learning for internal and external collaboration of partners in the HIV Prevention Space in M&E and continual improvement.
- Collect, analyse, and report on data for both Programme Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) requirements at National and Subnational Level as well as internal reporting.
- Responsible for implementing data quality techniques and management functions.
- Serve as key member of the NAC team, responsible for collating, analysing, and disseminating data from multiple projects and work streams to generate a cohesive understanding of the performance of the national programme and its impact on people.
- Monitor progress towards the successful implementation of the Zambia National Condom Programming Strategy and uses lessons learned to feed into the Condom Strategic Initiative (CSI)
- Develop and maintain a data base of all HIV and AIDS related research work done in Zambia
- Develop M & E plan, based on prioritized indicators in the NCCP (and implementation approach) to meet programmatic needs
- Disseminate Operational Plan and monitoring system with all stakeholders.
- Conduct an inventory of data collected by partners Work with the technical working group on research in order to come up with policies to improve research development.
- Showcase interrelationship between HIV/AIDS/STI/TB and other co-morbidities.
- Suggest possible areas and opportunities to create and or enhance synergies between HIV/AIDS/STI/TB with other focus by other government line ministries; and for focused value-for money policy formulation and programme implementation.
- Make use existing data to model/forecast possible scenarios and thus, suggest possible means to mitigate and or perpetuate ills/gains made, as case may be.
- Prepare concise reports, train/build capacity in data management use and mining.
- Support technical staff in Monitoring and Evaluation functions and coordinate.
- Ensure quality, consistence and adherence to standards and best practices for Monitoring and Evaluation including data quality, privacy and use
- Coordinate cross-departmental information sharing through the monthly technical forums and quarterly data review meetings
- Review and standardize all CCP data collection and reporting tools (for all sectors) to facilitate for integration with LMIS
- Support Monitoring and documentation of best practices of HIV and AIDS interventions and provide evidence of impact
- Propose generation of secondary products from research findings
- Support and facilitate platforms of exchange of information in order to enhance learning
- Perform any other duties assigned by the Director Policy and Planning
Qualifications, Experience and Competencies:
- Full grade 12 certificate with at least 5 Credits at “O” Level including English and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Arts in Demography, Bio-statistics, Mathematics, Epidemiology or a relevant Social Science from a recognized university
- At least 5 years’ experience working in the HIV/AIDS field with increasing responsibilities out of which years’ experience is of MEO or Monitoring & Evaluation.
- Ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment.
- Ability to use various statistical analysis packages including SPSS, SAS, STATA, Epi Info and ZamInfo to undertake advanced data analysis.
- Expertise in rigorous quantitative and qualitative research and evaluation analytical methods including research design and implementation, data analysis, appraisals, etc.
- Experience in Monitoring and Evaluation, Research and Research Methodologies
- Experience working with research institutions.
- Must be knowledgeable of PEPFAR funding and its contractual and reporting requirements.
- Experience working on PEPFAR-funded health programs is an added advantage
- Knowledge of research ethics and human subjects review.
- Effective written and oral communication skills.
- Information Technology skills including the ability to operate and manage computerized financial and payroll systems.
- Excellent report writing, analytical, strong data analysis and communication skills, including oral presentation skills, knowledge management, and dissemination of findings in English.
- Knowledge of donor-funded project monitoring and evaluation processes, indicators, measures, data quality assessments, and reporting requirements.
- Excellent understanding of data quality administration and management functions (collection, analysis, reporting, dissemination, etc.).
- Proficiency in MS Office (Excel, Access, Word, PowerPoint, etc.)
- Analytical skills with problem-solving aptitude.
- Written and spoken English fluency required.
- Demonstrated leadership, versatility and integrity.
Submission of Applications
Applications accompanied by Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of National Registration Card, Academic and Professional qualifications should be addressed to:
The Director General
National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
Plot 315, Independence Avenue
P. O. Box 38718
Applications may also be emailed in PDF single file format to: jobs@nacsec.org.zm. Closing date for receipt of applications is by close of business on Monday, 20th March, 2023
PDF Version Download Click Here
Job Purpose
Reporting to the Director, Policy and Planning the applicant will coordinate HIV and AIDS Monitoring and evaluation activities in Zambia and offer technical support to stakeholders in the HIV Response.
Principal Accountabilities
- Coordinate and supervise all activities related to research on HIV and AIDS.
- Facilitate trainings of sub-national staff in Epidemiology for Data Use in support of evidence-based programming for the National HIV Response.
- Develop and maintain a data base of all HIV and AIDS related research work done in Zambia.
- Work with the technical working group on research in order to come up with policies to improve research development.
- Showcase interrelationship between HIV/AIDS/STI/TB and other co-morbidities.
- Suggest possible areas and opportunities to create and or enhance synergies between HIV/AIDS/STI/TB with other focus by other government line ministries; and for focused value-for money policy formulation and programme implementation.
- Make use existing data to model/forecast possible scenarios and thus, suggest possible means to mitigate and or perpetuate ills/gains made, as case may be.
- Prepare concise reports, train/build capacity in data management use and mining.
- Coordinate transition of research findings into policies, strategies, and guidelines in order to enhance decentralized response.
- Ensures that appropriate and consistent advocacy is undertaken in relation to the research agenda.
- Analyze and triangulate various data and information sources for a concise, more complete picture of the HIV/AIDS/STI/TB situation in Zambia.
- In collaboration with stakeholders, organize HIV dissemination fora.
- Support the work of the Research Ethics, Traditional Remedies and Alternative Medicines Committee in pushing the agenda for research in Zambia.
- Support technical staff in Monitoring and Evaluation functions and coordinate.
- Ensure quality, consistence and adherence to standards and best practices for Monitoring and Evaluation including data quality, privacy and use.
- Perform any other duties assigned by the Director Policy and Planning
- Full grade 12 certificate with at least 5 Credits at “O” Level including English and Mathematics.
- Bachelor of Arts in Public Health, Bio-statistics, Epidemiology or a relevant Social Science from a recognized university
- Knowledge of Monitoring and Evaluation is desirable
Required Experience and Skills:
- Experience in monitoring and evaluation, research and research methodologies
- At least 5 years’ experience working in the HIV/AIDS field with increasing responsibilities
- At least 3 years’ experience doing research related work including disease surveillance
- Experience working with research institutions
- Knowledge of research ethics and human subjects review
- Ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment
- Ability to use various statistical analysis packages including SPSS, SAS, STATA, Epi Info and ZamInfo to undertake advanced data analysis.
- Effective written communication skills
- Effective oral communication skills
- Information Technology skills including the ability to operate and manage computerised financial and payroll systems
Submission of Applications
Applications accompanied by Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of National Registration Card, Academic and Professional qualifications should be addressed to:
The Director General
National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
Plot 315, Independence Avenue
P. O. Box 38718
Applications may also be emailed in PDF single file format to: jobs@nacsec.org.zm. Closing date for receipt of applications is by close of business on Monday, 20th March, 2023
PDF Version Download Click Here
Job Purpose
Reporting to the Administration Manager, the Administration Officer will provide oversight on the acquisition, utilisation and maintenance of human capital and other organisational assets, provide administrative related services for the effective and efficient implementation of Council’s mandate, develop strong relations with other Directorates/Units to identify cohesiveness, health of teams and staff welfare. The job holder shall also facilitate performance management systems, develop and implement HR policies, processes, plans, procedures and strategies for the effective and smooth delivery of operations within the Administration Unit.
Principal Accountabilities
- Ensures effective recruitment and management of human resources through training and staff development programmes for all employees to provide the best talent.
- Ensures that the Terms and Conditions of Service are updated and implemented.
- Undertake all routine human resource and administration support functions including maintaining records, placing advertisement, convening interview panels and liaison with payroll.
- Prepares and submits periodic performance reports to the Administration Manager in order achieve set objectives.
- Ensures effective utilisation of NAC Fleet for transport mobility as necessary from time to time.
- Oversees management of transport including transport requisitions, insurance, maintenance, repairs and licensing.
- Ensures the provision of utility services relating to service contracts for security, cleaning and maintenance of equipment.
- Ensures that the Council properties are protected.
- Maintains good working relationship with Line Managers to effectively monitor all staff movements to know who is at duty station.
- Prepares Annual Leave Plan in order to ensure continuance of business objectives.
- Supervise the provision of adequate and efficient secretarial services to the Council and Committee meetings in order to facilitate smooth operations.
- Effective supervision of Administrative Assistants, Receptionist, Office Assistants and drivers.
- Records Management including filing, folio indexing and referencing of subject matters.
- Updates staff data and information in order to ensure accuracy and up to date Human Resource information systems.
- Ensures available of employment contracts to all serving employees.
- Oversee the effective maintenance and cleaning of buildings and surroundings in order to promote a conducive working environment.
- Work with line and senior managers to oversee staff performance management.
- Submit midterm and end of contract gratuities at each anniversary.
- Works with Administration Manager and senior managers in the preparation of Council committees and Council meetings.
- Develop Annual Leave Plan for all staff and ensure staff is encouraged to take leave according to leave plan.
- Performs any other official duties as assigned by the Administration Manager.
- Full grade 12 certificate with at least 5 Credits at “O” Level including English and Mathematics.
- Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management, Business Administration, Public Administration or its equivalent
- Masters Degree a related field is an added advantage.
- Full Member of the Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management (MZIHRM) with valid practicing license.
- Excellent working knowledge of a wide range of Labour Laws.
- Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills.
Required Experience and Skills:
- Experience in Policy interpretation, improvements and human resource management initiatives yielding performance improvements
- At least 5 years’ experience in a similar role
- Experience in managing staff
- Knowledge of Labour Laws
- Knowledge of HRIS
- Ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment
- Effective written communication skills
- Effective oral communication skills
Submission of Applications
Applications accompanied by Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of National Registration Card, Academic and Professional qualifications should be addressed to:
The Director General
National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
Plot 315, Independence Avenue
P. O. Box 38718
Applications may also be emailed in PDF single file format to: jobs@nacsec.org.zm. Closing date for receipt of applications is by close of business on Monday, 20th March, 2023
PDF Version Download Click Here
Job Purpose
Reporting to the Director Programmes, the Public and Private Sector Coordinator will provide mid-level programme management and coordination of the Public and Private Sectors, HIV and AIDS and gender mainstreaming including resource mobilisation initiatives to achieve national targets of the national response.
Principal Accountabilities
- Coordination, public and private sector partners and supporting the sub-national levels in developing public-private sector partners and supporting the sub-national in developing public private partnerships initiatives.
- Coordinates a full range of public-private HIV/AIDS and gender mainstreaming management activities.
- Facilitate national and sub-national planning, implementation and monitoring of public-private HIV/AIDS and gender mainstreaming initiatives.
- Provide guidance and mentoring to large- and small-scale private sector HIV/AIDS and gender mainstreaming.
- Coordinate and assists partners with decentralised site visits including periodic support supervision.
- Work closely with public institution (line ministries or government departments) and provide leadership and guidance to HIV & AIDS and gender focal point persons in HIV & AIDS and gender mainstreaming in all developmental programmes.
- Facilitates international and national resource mobilisation initiative for HIV/AIDS and gender mainstreaming activities.
- Provide guidance in public sector negotiations for HIV/AIDS and gender mainstreaming sector work plans.
- Facilitate joint supervision and assessment with Zambia Environment Management Agency (ZEMA) and other stakeholders of the implementation of HIV/AIDS and gender impact mitigation plans by contractors of capital projects.
- Develop and facilitate implementation of guidelines and implement monitoring of Environmental Impact Mitigation (EIM) plans at sub-national levels in close collaborations with the local councils.
- In close collaboration with the Provincial and the Finance Manager, review financial and program reports form sub-national levels in the case of community sub-granting benefactors from the EIM plans funds.
- Manage tracking and reporting on funds received from public and private partners for HIV/AIDS and gender mainstreaming.
- Support financial staff in queries related to utilization of EIM funds at national and sub-national levels.
- Support and monitor timely submission of reports by implementing public and private sector partners into the national M & E system
- Prepare quarterly and annual reports and any other reports as may be required by the Directorate.
- Ensure compliance with NAC national and sub-national data collection M & E systems
- Review programmes data from public and private partners and assist M & E Coordinator collate, analyse and use data for decision making.
- Participate in annual and periodic programme reviews.
- Participate in the documentation of best practices for sharing locally and internationally.
- Work in close collaboration with knowledge management unit in disseminating of best practices at national and sub-national levels.
- Ensure placement of key documents and report on network and shared drives.
- Perform all work safely and maintain a safe working environment
- Perform other duties as may be assigned by Director Programmes.
- Full Grade 12 School Certificate or equivalent with at least 5 Credits at “O” Level including English and Mathematics
- BA/BS in a related field in International studies or development.
- Master’s degree is an added advantage.
Required Experience and Skills:
- At least two (2) years’ experience in a similar role
- Experience with HIV/AIDS programming and resource mobilisation is an added advantage.
Knowledge and Demonstrated skills
- Knowledge and understanding of general government communication policies and procedures or regulations for programme implementation
- Demonstrated ability to work with divergent partners and stakeholders
- Proficiency in word processing spread sheets and database skills
- Ability to work in team environment
- Ability to work independently with minimum supervision
- Ability to travel domestically and internationally.
Submission of Applications
Applications accompanied by Curriculum Vitae, Certified copies of National Registration Card, Academic and Professional qualifications should be addressed to:
The Director General
National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
Plot 315, Independence Avenue
P. O. Box 38718
Applications may also be emailed in PDF single file format to: jobs@nacsec.org.zm. Closing date for receipt of applications is by close of business on Monday, 20th March, 2023